Lim Ziyu
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Circus Max Day Out posted at 5:36 PM

It's now the 4th month that i'm working at Circus Maximus and I'm still enjoying my job, which is good. I do complain here and there at times but I know it's part and parcel of a long as nobody exploits me, I'm good ^_^

Being the event manager of our own internal event could be stressful/could be fun also. Stressful because all the veterans will be watching how you manage, fun because you know even if you screw up a little, it's sort of forgivable HAHA we had a main committee but everyone is busy with their own shit so I covered this and they tried to help as much as possible haha but luckyyyy this is pretty simple as it's really just a chill out day hhaha

Got my designs really for the goodie bag tags
 Packed them

And prepared my secret santa present HAHAH
 And then it sits mysteriously under the tree HAHA

& off we went to town! Got our shuttle bus sponsorship so yayerz hehe

1st stop: Hairdo & ManiPedi hehe

 2nd stop: Lunch @Samy's Curry!

3rd stop: Shoes shopping! Got this new kicks thanks to my laoban hehe so now I have no excuse to not run! Hahha

Final stop: KTV!

I've heard that their past company outing are like adventure/competitions and their sick of it already. So I'm hoping this is a really fun day, and thank the ever generous boss!

Other photos can be seen here: CMAX LEPAK FRIDAY

Lim Ziyu

Dance // Sing // Travel
Host: Ellen DeGeneres
Music: Beyoncé
Model: Miranda Kerr / Tyra Banks
YouTuber: Ryan Higa / Jayesslee
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Layout and header image by mymostloved with base image, brushes and background.