Lim Ziyu
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WuZone 2014 posted at 3:55 PM

In preparation of the recital, we spent hours and hours per week to train and clean up everything. And this year, I didn't just covered those, I also become the props team HAHA lol so yes, those that watched the concert would know that the last item had a lot of props movement and yep i'm one of those black shirt person HAHA

 I am so glad to say that I FINALLY JOINED A JAZZ PIECE! I've always did recitals on Hip Hop or Girls style or Jazz Funk, and secretly admire those in contemporary jazz. Really love their extensions and emotions so here I am! I went for the auditions and tadah! Glad to be part of them! Although they made this jazz item more broadway, I still feel really thankful for the trainings and some strict tech warm-ups haha

So it was bunk-in day and I couldn't help it but to dye my hair at home in the morning using liese HAHA

Stage runs are really important for a dancer to know how much distance and steps they have to take to reach the next position and etc, and this stage is HUGEEEE :B

It's show day! and just look at thse red glove i'm wearing...can you believe it's freaking $30?! lol i got scammed

This bunch of teens may be problematic (in terms of scheduling) some times but the companionship and randomness is awesomeee HAHA

& most of my sexy MenaQueens are already in elite so I hardly have any items with them but YAS i will work hard to reach that placeeeeeeeeeee WAIT FOR ME HAHA

I just had to post this because it's the only full cast MénaQueens photo so far HAHAH more to come! ^_^

Grateful for all the flowers received during every performance and concerts hehe

Here's our BTS!

If you want to watch the actual performance, click this link: WuZone 2014 YouTube

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Lim Ziyu

Dance // Sing // Travel
Host: Ellen DeGeneres
Music: Beyoncé
Model: Miranda Kerr / Tyra Banks
YouTuber: Ryan Higa / Jayesslee
Fav people

Layout and header image by mymostloved with base image, brushes and background.