Lim Ziyu
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Pre-NS Enlistment posted at 12:35 PM

This botak below went botak on 5th Aug hahaha

 & it was his enlistment day on 6 Aug!

 So like the sequence, we took a ferry at the SAF ferry terminal to tekong, and then he went to report and collect whatever he had to, while the rest of us went for a tour!

 & then we went for lunch at their canteen (?) or cook house idk haha but it's honestly not bad! It could be that we're visitors that's why it's quite tasty...but edward said so far so good because it's by Food Fare so GOOD JOB SAF HAHA

& well, idk why i'm not as uptight as some other girlfriends when their man go for NS...maybe because i'm so busy and we don't meet so often in the first place so.... :P but i dislike so sad HAHA but i'm ok still because...
 This is one lucky batch of boys. Haha they managed to book out on 8th Aug to celebrate the nation's birthday hehe 
 & then i had to rush back and forth because it's his first book out, so i really want to pick him, but at the same time (really same time), i've got dance rehearsal to go in preparation of my recital. :( so here cab there and alllllll but it's worth it :')

I know I won't be too much of a clingy mushy overly attached girl friend but I know it will try my best to get through this stressful period HAHA stressful because POP = oct and recital = oct... so my schedule = BUSY x 9277422939120489288912084 BUT #timemanagement ya haha till then!

Lim Ziyu

Dance // Sing // Travel
Host: Ellen DeGeneres
Music: Beyoncé
Model: Miranda Kerr / Tyra Banks
YouTuber: Ryan Higa / Jayesslee
Fav people

Layout and header image by mymostloved with base image, brushes and background.